Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Getting your level past 20: A guide


 So you got to level 20? Congrats! I hope you enjoyed the story line and got to see all the beautiful landscapes that Bungie has created for us! But now what are you supposed to do? Don't stress it, that's what i'm here to help you with.

After reaching level 20

      After reaching max level, you will now start to see the stat called "Light" on your items. Depending on the rarity of the item, there will be more light on it. Level 20 blue items will have 13 light without upgrading it, and 15 light when it is fully upgraded. Light can only be on your 4 gear slots, including your helmet, gloves, chest piece, and boots. With all four being level 20 blue's, with full upgrades, your level will be sitting at 24. Above, in the top right  of your character screen you will see the word "Light", which displays your level after applying the light stat. Mine is currently 25. This level will be displayed for other players, and allow you to entered more challenging content within the game. The first "Raid" of the game is set at level 26, though not suggested, you may enter it at level 25.

      The first thing you will need to do in order to better your character and move up in levels, is to obtain better gear. The easiest way to do this is to visit the Loot Cave, and farm it as much as possible. I created a guide on how to do so HERE.

      If farming for items is not what you want to do, then you can always do strikes and bounties until you are Rank 2 with The Vanguard. The Vanguard is the main reputation faction that sells legendary gear. The reputation comes from doing PVE (Player Versus Enviroment) tasks. This includes strikes, bounties, and patrols.


      Strikes are the instances you can enter to kill monsters and bosses for loot. By now you have probably already did one or two of them when you went through the main storyline. If you go to any of the planets and see the icon shown above, that means that mission is a strike. When you enter a strike, it starts you off on a mission that can be repeated over and over. The mission will be the same each time. After completing the strike by killing the last boss, you will be rewarded with a random item. This could be an Engram, materials, or just gear. Strikes give you reputation with The Vanguard, and also give you Vanguard Marks. Vanguard marks are used to purchase the gear once you reach Rank 2 with the faction.

Vanguard Bounties

      Vanguard bounties are another way you can earn reputation points with the faction. These are daily tasks you can complete for reputation and experience. The bounties vary by day, and can only be completed once per day. You should pick these bounties up everyday while you are running strikes. A lot of them can be completed by just doing strikes with the bounty in your inventory.

Patrol missions

      Patrol missions are listed on each planet, with the icon above. When you choose a patrol to go on, you will arrive on that planet, free to roam wherever you want. All around the map will be green flashing items, that will give you a mission. There are a lot of different types, from killing monsters, to just scanning something within the region. Patrol missions will give you reputation for The Vanguard, per mission. You will also find that the Vanguard bounties will sometimes ask you to complete 6 missions on said planet. This way, you can double up on the amount of reputation you earn, by completing the missions on patrol and a bounty at the same time.

Getting Rank 2

      After getting to Rank 2 with the Vanguard, you will be able to purchase any of the legendary armor items from you respective class Vanguard leader. They will have 18 light on each piece, which can be upgraded for even more light.

Vanguard marks and reputation

      When you complete missions and get vanguard marks and reputation, you will notice the icon for the vanguard on your "Choose Destination" menu will start to fill up in a circle around it. This is because there is a limit on how many Vanguard marks you can earn per week. You may only earn 100 marks per week as of right now. The week will reset every Tuesday. But, you are always free to get more reputation, because it does not have a weekly limit. The limit on marks is to ensure you cant just boost right to the end game content. What would be the fun in an MMO where you can just skip right to the end parts? *COUGH* WORLD OF WARCRAFT *COUGH*

Once you have earned your gear

      Once you have some nice gear on, you'll need to upgrade them. The first couple of upgrades should only cost you glimmer and parts obtained by deconstructing other pieces of gear. You will run into a lot of green items you will not need, so you can deconstruct them for the materials needed to upgrade your gear. If you get to wearing some legendary gear, its a little different. You will need what is called "Ascendant" materials. This could be Ascendant Shards, or Ascendant Energy. You will also need reagents.

Ascendant Shards and Ascendant Energy

      These items can be obtained by doing public events, or the daily heroic story missions. The public events happen on every planet in every area. The first public event you do WILL reward you with one of these. It is random on which one you get. Every other public event you do afterwards has a chance to give you more of them.

      The daily heroic story missions will also give you these materials. When you complete the story, you will receive one of the two. This can be done over and over until you have enough materials you need for your upgrades. You will find that is common to find these while doing missions or decrypting engrams.

Reagents needed for legendary upgrades

      The reagents needed, depending on class and item type are listed above. In order from left to right, they are Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, Spirit Bloom, and Relic Iron. The item you are trying to upgrade will list which reagent you will need to use for the upgrade. Each reagent can only be found on one planet.

Spinmetal - Earth
Helium Filaments - The Moon
Spirit Bloom - Venus
Relic Iron - Mars

      The reagents can be either gathered, or collected in chests. On each planet, there are spawn points for chests. Most of the time, they will be inside a building. Sometimes they are outside behind a rock or up somewhere on top of something. Each chest will contain at least one of the reagents, depending on which planet you are on. You may also gather them by finding nodes in the open world. Each one has spawn points on their respective planet. You can find these by just riding around and looking for a node of the type. Going after the chests is a better route, if you know where to find them.

Other notes

     The Crucible is another way to get your legendary gear. It is a reputation just like the Vanguard. Instead of doing the PVE missions, you may do PVP (Player versus Player). This is called the Crucible. You may enter matches by going to your "Select destination" menu from orbit, and choosing the crucible icon at the bottom right. There are also bounties you can do for the crucible, that will give you even more reputation and marks. Again, you must reach Rank 2 for the gear available from the Crucible. I will explain this in a later post.

Closing statement

      Getting level 20 is just the beginning. Like every other MMO, there is always more content to do. Most MMO's are on PC. This is another reason why i chose to make this blog. I know there is a separation between console gamers and PC gamers, and console gamers may not be familiar with the way MMO's work. This is one of my favorite reasons for loving Destiny. It is a crossover between the PC world that i love, and the console world in which i grew up with. I hope you liked this guide, and if you have any questions you may comment and ask away.

Dont forget to go to the Destiny Reddit page!

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